750 Watts, 110-120 Volts
Stainless Steel Distiller
New & Improved! Steel fan blade and drip nozzle. Includes plastic collection jar.
The Brewers Direct Water Distiller is a high quality, countertop distiller and is our number one selling table top distiller in North America. The boiling vessel and cooling chamber are made of stainless steel. No cooling water is required, as the unit is fan cooled, making the distillation process virtually as simple as making coffee! For those in countries where alcohol distillation is legal, the unit can produce up to 60% product with virtually no off-tastes or smells on a single run. A second run can actually improve this to nearly 85%!
Just as with many countertop water distillers, activated carbon filtration can take place inline, on the way to the collection container, completing the entire distillation and filtration processes in a single step.
We are happy to welcome you to the world of distilling. This hobby can introduce you to all aspects of distillation, flavouring and mixing. You can use premixed flavours or make your own through mash or infusion. Keep it simple or start your own micro distillery. Cheers!
Tip: For best distilling results use Petro Gel to lubricate your fan head seal.
Note: Brewers Direct strives to give their customers the best service possible. Having said this, due to the extremely small mark ups that Brewers Direct places on their products to help maintain low prices, we cannot offer a warranty on the table top distiller. We are happy to offer John Xu as a contact and he can be reached at He will be able to assist you with any problems or concerns. If requested, we are able to look at the distiller with a base charge of $35.00 and if any work or parts are needed we will contact you for additional costs.
**DISCLAIMER: Please note that in certain countries alcohol distillation is illegal and you will require a license. Ask for advice or contact your local Customs and Excise Department.