Coffee Wine

- 5. Tbs Instant Coffee
- 7 pts Water
- 3 lb Honey
- 3 tsp Acid Blend
- 3/4 tsp Energizer
- 1 Campden, crush
- 1 Pkg. Sherry yeast
- Starting S. G. 1.095 1.105
- Measure out instant flavor and sugar (or honey) into primary fermentor. Pour water (hot) over and stir thoroughly.
- Stir in all other ingredients EXCEPT yeast.
- Cover primary.
- Stir daily and check S.G.
- When ferment reaches S.G. 1.040 (3 5 days) syphon wine off sediment into glass jug secondary. Attach airlock
- When ferment is complete (S. G. has reached l.000 – about 3 weeks) syphon off sediment into clean secondary. Reattach lock. Syphon again in 2 months and again if necessary until clear before bottling.