Chokecherry Wine

I’ve been told this recipe always produces good results! Makes one gallon, but recipe can be multiplied. One pack of yeast is good for up to 5 gallons. This makes a nice deep red, dry wine. Not bitter, not sweet.
- 2 lbs. Chokecherries
- 1 gallon water
- 1 lb Raisins
- 2 1/2 lbs. Sugar
- 1 Campden tablet
- 1 tsp. Yeast Nutrient
- 1/2 tsp. Acid Blend
- 1/2 tsp. Pectic Enzyme
- 1 pkg. Wine Yeast (Montrachet preferred)
- Pick fruit when ripe (black purple). Wash and remove stems, leaves, and bruised fruit.Mash cherries, pits are too big to remove but be careful not to break them as they are bitter.
- Put the pulp in a nylon straining bag and squeeze out juice into primary
- Put bag (tied closed) in primary with all ingredients EXCEPT YEAST. Wait 24 hours, then add yeast and cover. SG should be about 1.090-1.095.
- Check daily and push pulp bag down into the juice and squeeze it a little to help juice extraction. At SG 1.030 take out pulp bag, squeeze out all juice and siphon into a glass fermenter.
- Leave in secondary for 3 weeks or until SG is 1.000.
- Rack into clean carboy and hold for at least 2 months before bottling.