Blueberry Wine

- 8 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen)
- 1 cup of Wild Berry Red Grape Concentrate
- 4 cups granulated sugar.
- 1 1/2 tsps tartaric acid
- 1 tsp yeast nutrient
- 1/2 tsp yeast energizer
- 1/2 tsp. pectic enzyme powder.
- Campden tablets
- 1/4 tsp tannin
- Lalvin wine yeast.
TIP: Freeze fresh berries and thaw before using. This will give you better juice extraction.
- Starting gravity should be 1.070 – 1.080 (after sugar is added)
- For each gallon:
Crush the berries. Put the berries, pectic enzyme, 1 Campden tablet and 1/2 gallon of cold water into a bucket. Stir and cover. Let stand at room temperature for 48 hours stirring twice a day. Strain liquid into a fermenter. Press the pulp to get most of the juice then discard the pulp. Add the sugar to 1/2 gallon of warm water and stir to dissolve. Add the sugar solution, acid, tannin, yeast nutrient, yeast energizer and Wild Berry grape concentrate to the fermenter containing the blueberry juice. Prepare the yeast as per package instructions and add to fermenter. Cover and let ferment for 5 days at 20§ – 25§ Celsius then transfer to gallon jars or carboy topping up with cooled pre-boiled water if necessary. Attach fermentation lock making sure to half fill with water. Rack in 3 weeks and add 1 Campden tablet. Let stand under airlock for another 3 weeks. If wine is clear and stable, add 1Campden tablet per gal and bottle. If not, let stand longer until clear (you may add finings if you wish). If you want to sweeten, add Winemaster wine sweetener & conditioner to taste. You can filter now if you wish. - Age 6 months for best wine but can be drank earlier.
- Note: To make more than 1 gallon just multiply everything by the number of gallons you intend to make, except the yeast which is enough for up to 5 gallons.